PHMSA FAQs: Mega Rule RIN 2
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA FAQs: Mega Rule RIN 2

Today PHMSA issued an invitation to comment on its intent to collect additional information from LNG, natural gas, and hazardous liquid operators on their annual, incident, and NPMS reporting

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PHMSA Notice: Notice of Proposed Rule Making Leak Detection and Repair
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA Notice: Notice of Proposed Rule Making Leak Detection and Repair

PHMSA announced an Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) last Friday. Elemental has summarized the highlights of the proposed rule and will continue to track this through the rulemaking process. This NPRM focuses heavily on emissions reduction and public safety as well as increasing requirements for gathering lines

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PHMSA Notice: Enforcement Discretion
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA Notice: Enforcement Discretion

PHMSA extended its enforcement discretion for some parts of the Mega Rule yesterday. Check out our article for details on what was and was not included in this update!

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PHMSA Public Meeting: December 13-15, 2022
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA Public Meeting: December 13-15, 2022

PHMSA has announced a public meeting occurring two weeks from now. Topics cover a variety of subjects including recent and potential safety advisories, future technology, and failure investigation.

Elemental experts are available to attend on your behalf and report back. We know all operators are busy at the end of the year, let Elemental lighten the load!

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PHMSA Final Rule: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines Published
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA Final Rule: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines Published

PHMSA's Gas Mega Rule RIN 2 was published to the Federal Register today. Check out Elemental's summary of the rule in our article below.

Operators should note that the effective date of this rule is 9 months away which is shorter than the average rulemaking. If you have any questions or need an analysis of this rule against your operations reach out to Elemental today!

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Valve Rule Analysis
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

Valve Rule Analysis

Elemental Compliance has performed an analysis of the latest PHMSA final rule issued last week.

Check out our article to see the details operators are being asked to comply with regarding valve placement and spacing.

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PHMSA Webinar on Emissions Reduction Expectations and Inspections
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA Webinar on Emissions Reduction Expectations and Inspections

PHMSA's webinar yesterday shed light on the expectations for Operators in complying with the emissions reduction advisory bulletin of last year. Read along to learn about what a self-executing mandate is and how inspections will be carried out. Follow Elemental for the latest in all things PHMSA and contact us for expert support in this and many other regulatory areas!

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Gas Gathering Final Rule Summary
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

Gas Gathering Final Rule Summary

The Gas Gathering final rule has been issued to the Federal Register with the fully published version expected Monday November 15th. Check out Elemental's summary of the biggest points of the rule in our article and follow along on LinkedIn for the latest regulatory updates!

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PIPES Act of 2020 Summary
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PIPES Act of 2020 Summary

Check out Nicole Tebow's summary of the PIPES Act which was signed into law at the end of last year. This summary gives great insight into what the regulatory landscape will look like in the coming months and years. Don't hesitate to call Elemental to prepare a long-term strategy for #PipelineCompliance!

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PHMSA Publishing Gas Pipeline Regulatory Reform Rule
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

PHMSA Publishing Gas Pipeline Regulatory Reform Rule

PHMSA has sent the gas regulatory reform rule to the Federal Register with an expected publication date of next week. Read Nicole Tebow's article to learn about what changes are expected and to get a copy of the new rule.

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Project Spotlight: Facility IMP
Alexandra Johnson Alexandra Johnson

Project Spotlight: Facility IMP

Follow along at Elemental Compliance to hear about real-life compliance projects and learn what it takes to get through a facility IMP audit with no findings!

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